Many e-mail and Internet companies are now using programs to block unwanted e-mail, often called spam. Sometimes, however, these programs block e-mail you want to get.

To Ensure You Are Receiving Your Made Natural Emails Do The Following:
Be sure to add the corresponding DigitalMarketer email addresses to your email white list to ensure the best chance of receiving our content and updates

A whitelist is a list of accepted items or persons in a set…. a list of e-mail addresses or domain names from which an e-mail blocking program will allow messages to be received.

Why is this important?

Unsolicited, unwanted advertising e-mail, commonly known as “spam”, has become a big problem. It’s reached such proportions that most e-mail services and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have put some sort of blocking or filtering system in place or begun relying on self-proclaimed blacklists to tell the good guys from the bad.

Made Natural applauds their intention to protect you from spam, but everyone agrees that the current systems for stopping spam are far from a perfect solution. They often block e-mail that you’ve requested, but that fits somebody’s idea of what spam looks like. The more responsible anti-spam activists are working hard to cut down on these “false positives”, but in the mean time, you might unexpectedly find you’re not getting your subscription’s content…

As it happens, there’s something you can do to keep your subscription’s content from falling into the false positive trap. You can fight the blacklists with a “white-list”.

White-list us now, before your delivery is interrupted.

Of course, every e-mail system is different. Below are instructions for some of the more popular ones. If yours isn’t here, please contact your ISP’s customer service folks for their instructions. (Forward the answer to us, and we might add it!) If you’re using some sort of spam filtering or blocking software yourself (in addition to what your ISP provides), we’ve also listed instructions on how to exempt your subscription from some of the more popular of those programs.

How to Whitelist an Email in Gmail:

  • Log in to your Gmail account.
  • Select the gear icon in the top-right corner of the screen and click “See all settings.”
  • Choose the "Filters and blocked addresses" tab.
  • Click on “Create a new filter.”
  • In the “From” field, enter the domain or email address you want to whitelist.
  • Click “Create filter,” then check “Never send to spam.” and "Categorize as: Primary.".

For Gmail App (iPhone):

  • Go to your spam folder, find the email you want to whitelist, and click on it.
  • At the top of the email, click the option to “Report as not spam.”

For Gmail App (Android):

  • Open the “Contacts” app.
  • Select “Create contact” and enter the contact’s name and email address.
  • Click “Save.”

How to Whitelist an Email in Outlook:

  • Click the gear icon in Outlook and select "View all Outlook settings."
  • Select "Mail" from the settings menu.
  • Choose "Junk email" from the submenu.
  • Click "Add" under "Safe senders and domains."
  • Enter the email address that you want whitelisted.
  • Choose "Save."

How to Whitelist an Email in Yahoo:

  • Open Yahoo Mail and log into your account.
  • Navigate to “Settings” then click “More Settings.”
  • Select “Filters” and hit “Add” to enter the email you'd like to whitelist.
  • Name the filter and add the email address.
  • Select to send all mail to “Inbox.”
  • Save your settings.

How to Whitelist an Email in Mac OS X Mail App:

  • In the top menu, click Mail > Preferences.
  • Click the Rules tab.
  • Click Add Rule.
  • Enter a whitelist name in the Description field, such as “Whitelist:” to create the new rule.
  • Make sure the criteria reads “If any of the following conditions are met” and that the From field is followed by “Ends with”.
  • Enter the domain name you want to whitelist in the field next to the Ends with field. Add an @ sign before the domain name to make the filter specific. For example, to whitelist all mail from the domain type "" into the field.
  • In the Perform the following actions section set the three fields to Move Message, to the mailbox, and Inbox or a different target folder.
  • Click OK to save the rule.
  • Close the Rules window.

How to Whitelist an Email in Mail App on iOS:

  • Open the Mail app.
  • Select Mailboxes in the top-left corner.
  • open spam folder on iPhone.
  • Select Junk.
  • Select to open the email you want to mark as not junk.
  • Select the Folders icon in the bottom menu.
  • Select Inbox.

How to Whitelist an Email in AOL

  • From Aol Mail, select Contacts.
  • Select the New Contact icon.
  • Enter the contact's information, especially the email address of the sender in the Email 1 field.
  • Select Add Contact.

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